MPO Documents

Authorized Project List for the Tuscaloosa Area MPO - Fiscal Year 2024
The Federal Highway Administration requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations to publish a list of projects that were authorized in the previous fiscal year and involved federal highway or transit funds. A project is considered authorized when a funding contract has been completed. The authorized project list includes those projects from Tuscaloosa County funded in fiscal year 2024, which ran from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2020
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan serves as a guide for improving bicycle and pedestrian activity in Tuscaloosa County. The plan includes construction, education, promotion, and policy projects intended to integrate bicycle and pedestrian travel into the existing transportation environment.

The plan was initiated by the MPO in order to facilitate the development of their transportation plans and programs. However, due to the fact that many of the proposed projects fall outside of the authority of the MPO, the MPO intended other agencies and governments to use the plan. The current plan was adopted in 2020.

Long-Range Transportation Plan - 2050
The purpose of a long-range transportation plan is to budget transportation funds over a 20-year plus time period so that future transportation demand can be met. The Tuscaloosa Area MPO is required to update the long-range transportation plan every five years. The MPO is required to balance proposed projects against expected revenue. The focus of the MPO's plan is on federally funded highway and transit projects. However, all modes of transportation are considered, regardless of funding source.

Long-Range Transportation Plan - 2050 Appendices
The appendices contain background and technical information that shaped the long-range transportation plan.

MPO Bylaws
The MPO Bylaws outline how the transportation planning process works by listing the responsibilities of the committees and the process coordinator, establishing the limitations of each committee, detailing the membership of each committee, and by outlining the organization and meeting structure.

The Prospectus is a brief summary of the Tuscaloosa Area transportation planning process. The document attempts to provide a basic understanding of the process. The Prospectus is intended to serve as an educational and reference tool for government officials and interested individuals.

Public Involvement Plan (PIP) 2023
This document describes the public participation goals and strategies of the MPO. The document also outlines performance measures that the MPO uses to grade its public involvement efforts.

The PIP includes the MPO's Title VI Program and Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan.

Record of Public Involvement Performance Measures
The document outlines performance measures that the MPO uses to grade its public involvement efforts.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) - Fiscal Years 2024-2027
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a short-range plan composed of a prioritized list of transportation projects. The TIP covers a four-year period. Generally, projects on the TIP are taken from the current long-range transportation plan. The TIP is redeveloped every four years and is financially constrained.

Tuscaloosa Area Private Enterprise Participation Policies and Procedures
This document delineates the policy and procedures that guide the transportation planning process in the Tuscaloosa Area on matters concerning private enterprise involvement in mass transportation.

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) - Fiscal Year 2025
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) represents the budget and work tasks necessary to accomplish and maintain the transportation planning process within the Tuscaloosa study area. The UPWP is developed to coordinate transportation and related planning activities for a cooperative, continuing, and comprehensive planning process.

The primary objective of the UPWP is the development of an integrated planning program that considers the planning activities of each modal group and coordinates these activities to produce a total transportation plan serving all segments of the population. The MPO updates the UPWP annually.

West Alabama Coordinated Public Transit Plan 2024
The purpose of this plan is (1) to determine transit gaps and coordination opportunities among publicly funded, human services transportation programs in west Alabama and (2) to develop strategies to address the identified gaps and coordination issues. This plan did not evaluate transit service provided by the different agencies. Instead it examined transit deficiencies and coordination issues for each county and the entire region.

Tuscaloosa Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) annual training session The training session held March 1, 2023 served as an introduction to anyone unfamiliar with the MPO process and as a refresher to those more experienced.  The MPO determines how federal highway and transit funds are used in Tuscaloosa County.