Tuscaloosa Area
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

The Tuscaloosa Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) serves as the official decision-making body for the Tuscaloosa Area Transportation Planning Process. In this capacity the MPO determines how federal transportation funds are spent in the Tuscaloosa County. The MPO’s responsibilities include providing overall guidance to the planning process, review and approval of all process plans and programs, and ensuring public participation in the process.

The Tuscaloosa Area transportation planning process is conducted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The MPO is composed of four committees. The MPO committee (Policy Committee) is the official decision-making body of the process. The MPO committee is served by three advisory committees: the Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC), Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC), and Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee (BPC).

Planning Area
Tuscaloosa County serves as the Tuscaloosa Area MPO Planning Area.  Tuscaloosa County includes the Census Bureau-defined urbanized area and the territory expected to be urbanized by the forecast year of the current long-range transportation plan. 

Dennis Stripling
Transportation Planning Process Coordinator of the Tuscaloosa Area MPO
205-333-2990, Ext.  218

Zane Davis
Transportation Planning Director
205-333-2990, Ext. 227

Chris Wriley
Senior Transportation Planner
205-333-2990, Ext. 224

Molly Dodson GIS Specialist 205-333-2990, Ext 213

Meeting Notification
If you wish to receive news releases for upcoming MPO meetings please send an e-mail with your name and address to zane.davis@westal.org.